Diagnosing male-factor infertility and directing to the most suitable infertility treatment
- Healthtech
- Series A
Lund, Sweden
Revenue size
0 (pre-revenue)
Year founded
Funding raised
EUR 7 million
Kush Punyani
Most relevant investors
Avanza Pension, Magnus Brandt, Kushagr Punyani, Nordnet Pensionsförsäkring, Andreas Ward, Sven Rasmusson
Team size
WHO reports that 50% of infertility worldwide is caused by male-oriented issues. Additionally, Japan has the highest number of in vitro fertilisation cases (IVF), yet the lowest rate of success.
Current technology has not been possible to predict if sperm cells can actually fertilise the egg cell. Consequently, diagnostics have relied on sperms’ physical properties and motility, thus directing the majority of treatments to the highly invasive and unnecessary, instead of the safer and more natural standard-IVF.
Spermosens is revolutionising IVF treatment by commercialising the first functional male infertility diagnostic device, to accurately predict the fusion capacity of sperm cells. The company is developing the first of its kind automated sperm diagnostic device JUNO-Checked that relies on the sperm cells ability to bind to egg cell-proteins.
Using recombinant proteins, nanotechnology and electrochemistry, Spermosens’ novel diagnostic device helps patients and healthcare providers to probe the underlying cause of unexplained male infertility, and direct them to the most appropriate IVF treatment.
Spermosens key customers are public and private IVF Clinics and Sperm banks who have shown a high level of interest for the technology. Spermosens products will improve the workflow at the IVF clinics and facilitate the choice of the appropriate IVF treatment for each individual case. Primary customers are-5000 IVF clinics globally where 3-4 million IVF treatments are performed annually.
CEO Ulrik Nilsson has held positions as Director for companies such as Gambro and Baxter, including responsibilities for Gambro Asian Sales Operations.
Founder and Board Director Kush Punyani is a Serial Entrepreneur and the leading inventor of several technologies and products within healthcare and pharma, including the Medtech innovations for Spermosens.
CTO Dr Jae Y. Shin has over 20 years of experience in biosensors, biophysics and biochemistry, She has held positions in both Medtech industry and Universities including Diagonal Bio AB, University of California Berkeley, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, and Lund University.
Unique selling point
Current IVF methods only evaluate sperm cells by their physical properties such as motility and morphology; however, these indicators do not provide the full cause for male infertility.
Asia Connection
Spermosens is looking for strategic partners in East Asia who can assist them in taking full advantage of this opportunity to improve the quality of life for couples suffering from infertility. Spermosens is striving to create substantial value to all stakeholders involved in IVF treatment in East Asia for activities including Outlicensing, Codevelopment, and Investments for regional launch