Brain Nordic

Transforming digital marketing into a smooth and easy experience.

Gothenburg, Sweden
Revenue size
EUR 500,000 - 999,999
Year founded
Funding raised
EUR 500,000
Martin Bergqvist, Grzegorz Kochan
Most relevant investors
InsightOne Nordic, Västra Götalandsregionen
Team size


Smaller companies often struggle with their marketing because they lack resources and know-how, and end up spending resources on consultants rather than actual advertising.


Brain Nordic’s software automates data analytics so that companies can get started with their data-driven marketing with a single click. Their advertiser service ‘Strategic Audience Map’ (SAM) is a data-driven marketing platform for B2C-companies to deploy their custom audience strategy across all media channels.

SAM analyzes their customers' websites, consumers and transactions with real world data that they have onboard into the digital world. Based on this analysis, Brain Nordic can build the perfect marketing recommendation for specific clients through automation that saves time and money for their clients. By sharing the same data to both the advertiser and publisher sides they can tailor their marketing efforts to the right audience without tracking users online with 3rd party cookies.


Nordic Brain has a wide customer audience in Sweden, including Länsförsäkringar, Gjensidige försäkring, Royal Design, Fello/Telia, Cellbes, Newhouse, Kundkraft, Adform, Pubmatic, and more. Now they are expanding into Norway.


Brain Nordic founders are Martin and Grzegorz. Martin is a business developer with over 10 years of experience in digital marketing, and has designed and been product owner of three different marketing platforms. Grzegorz has over 20 years of experience as software developer and was part of launching the biggest self-service ad network in Poland.

Mike is their lead developer, with over 20 years experience in software development. Johan is their CSO and has more than 30 years of experience in sales and sales management. He was part of building up the company ‘Manpower’ in Sweden from EUR 1,5 million to EUR 100 million.

Unique selling point

Brain Nordic helps companies make use of 1st party data for tailoring their customers’ marketing strategies, without the need of 3rd party cookies. They provide services for buyers and sellers of media alike, creating an ecosystem of digital data-driven marketing.

Asia Connection

Brain Nordic does not have any current connection to Asia, but is eager to pursue international expansion to the region. They are currently looking for funding across the East Asian region.



Brain Nordic