terms & conditions

  1. Introduction
    1. These Terms & Conditions apply to the use of nordic-asian.vc (as defined below). By using nordic-asian.vc, you agree to the Terms & Conditions. If you do not wish to agree on them, you cannot use nordic-asian.vc.
    2. Nordic-asian.vc is a product of the Nordic Asian Venture Alliance (hereinafter NAVA), which is a project collaboration between Asia House Denmark, TechBBQ, Copenhagen Capacity and The Danish Innovation Centres in Shanghai and Seoul.
    3. The project owner, and thus legal entity of NAVA, is Asia House in Denmark, with a registered office at Indiakaj 16, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark, and CVR 12390440.
    4. NAVA is funded by The Danish Industry Foundation and is a non-profit enterprise.
    5. We advise you to read these Terms & Conditions carefully so that you are aware of your rights and obligations when using nordic-asian.vc.
  2. General
    1. NAVA has developed a website (nordic-asian.vc) which includes an online database of technology companies (hereinafter “Content”). All Content on the website is open source, free of charge, and does not require personal account access.
    2. NAVA may, at all times, amend or supplement these Terms & Conditions. The most up-to-date Terms & Conditions can always be found on the Website. Continued use of nordic-asian.vc after any such changes shall constitute your consent to the changes.
    3. Changes and additions to these Terms & Conditions will be valid from the date of change noted below.
  3. Service and Availability
    1. To the best of its ability, NAVA will make efforts to provide nordic-asian.vc with due care. NAVA may use subcontractors or third party licensors to provide nordic-asian.vc.
    2. Each and every use of nordic-asian.vc is for your own risk and responsibility. You accept that nordic-asian.vc, including the Content, only contains the functionalities and other characteristics as it contains at the moment of your use (“as is” and “as available”).
    3. NAVA is at all times entitled, without prior announcement and without in any becoming liable to you:
      1. To make procedural and technical alterations and/or improvements to the Content and/or nordic-asian.vc
      2. To (temporarily or permanently) discontinue, limit or terminate nordic-asian.vc or your Company Profile.
  4. Your Obligations
    1. You may not resell or in any other way make profit using the Company Profiles on the Startup Showcasing platform of nordic-asian.vc, unless you are the Founder or Co-Founder of this particular company.
    2. You may at any time request your Company Profile be removed from the Showcasing Platform.
    3. You may at any time request changes to the content of your Company Profile. The nature and content of these changes must be specified in writing. The changes will then be implemented by the NAVA team as soon as possible.
    4. You may use all Content from the Knowledge section of nordic-asian.vc, as long as you clearly refer to and indicate the source (NAVA, nordic-asian.vc) and do not modify data.
    5. You are not permitted to use nordic-asian.vc for a purpose as listed below or make content – including all information, data or material (hereinafter “Content”) – available: which, at the discretion of nordic-asian.vc, is discriminating or is otherwise deemed hurtful, offensive or inappropriate;
      1. In which personal data is made available, other than in compliance with applicable law;
      2. Which contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, bots or other software which can damage automated work or make it unusable or inaccessible or delete it, or which can appropriate it or which is intended to circumvent technical protection measures of nordic-asian.vc, the Content and/or the computer systems of nordic-asian.vc;
      3. Which infringes the rights of nordic-asian.vc and/or third parties, including but not limited to IP-rights or rights concerning the protection of privacy;
      4. Which qualifies as or transmits unwanted or unsolicited material or content (spam);
      5. Is contrary to these Terms of Service or any applicable laws or regulations, is in any other manner unlawful or which could prejudice the interests and reputation of NAVA.
    6. NAVA reserves the right, without prior notice, to abridge, alter, refuse and/or remove Content if this is necessary in NAVA’s opinion, without this resulting in any liability.
  5. Intellectual Property Rights
    1. NAVA’s intellectual property rights – including but not limited to copyrights, database rights, tradename rights, and the Content (hereinafter “IP rights”) – are held by NAVA. Nothing in the Terms & Conditions is intended to or shall transfer any of nordic-asian.vc’s IP rights to you.
    2. You retain all IP rights to the content you provide directly to nordic-asian.vc. However, by making available Content to nordic-asian.vc, you automatically grant NAVA a cost-free, worldwide, and transferable right to use this Content insofar as is related to NAVA.
    3. Save to the extent that it is allowed by mandatory statutory law, you may not reproduce or decompile the Content or apply reverse engineering to it.
  6. Liability, Warranties and Indemnifications
    1. NAVA does not accept any liability for damages resulting from the use of nordic-asian.vc.
    2. The enumerations of guarantees and indemnifications in this article are not exhaustive. NAVA does not guarantee:
      1. nordic-asian.vc’s fitness for a particular purpose or that nordic-asian.vc shall meet any of your requirements;
      2. That nordic-asian.vc shall be available to you at all times and without interruptions or disturbances;
      3. That the Content of nordic-asian.vc are accurate, up to date or complete; or
      4. That nordic-asian.vc does not infringe the (IP) rights of you or a third party;
    3. You guarantee that you will not use nordic-asian.vc and/or the Content in a way that: infringes the rights of nordic-asian.vc or third parties, including but not limited to IP rights or rights in relation to the protection of privacy; is contrary to any current legislation or regulations; or is contrary to any provision in these Terms & Conditions.
  7. Miscellaneous
    1. Nordic-asian.vc may transfer rights and obligations arising from these Terms & Conditions to third parties and will notify you of this. You are not permitted to transfer to third parties any right derived from an Account without nordic-asian.vc prior written consent.
    2. These Terms & Conditions and the use of nordic-asian.vc are governed by Danish law.
    3. To the extent that national or international rules of law do not prescribe otherwise as mandatory, any disputes that arise or are related to agreements concluded subject to these Terms & Conditions, or arising therefrom, will solely be submitted to the competent court in Copenhagen.
Questions about the Terms & Conditions should be sent to info@nordic-asian.vc

This page has been last updated on March 7, 2022